
Dennis's wedding party

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Jun's wedding party

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The tickets of linkin park concert @ Taiwan

Linkin Park will be performing in Taipei, Taiwan at the Taipei County Stadium on November 16th! I got my tickets yesterday, it's so exciting!!

More music video at YouTube


台灣人氣導遊「林龍」 VS 土撥鼠投手「井川慶」
人魔「安東尼霍普金斯」 VS 洋基總教練「托瑞」

How to access i2c and gpio in Sigma Design 863x?

It must use RUAMap to establish a mapping into memory. And RUALock is necessary before RUAMap. As follows:

err=RUACreateInstance(&pRUA, 0);
RUALock(pRUA, 0x00010580, sizeof(i2c_reg));
i2creg=(void *)RUAMap(pRUA, 0x00010580, sizeof(i2c_reg));

Then we could access i2c via i2creg. GPIO is similar to access i2c.

How to map your photos in picasa web albums?

缺少了用地圖記錄拍攝地點的功能,一直是Picasa使用者心中一個小小的遺憾。其實Google擁有相當優秀的Google Map,要開發出這個功能對他們來說只是早晚的問題。而事實上,這個功能也確實早已存在,只是身為中文版使用者的我們不知道而已…


將語言偏好設定改為「English (United States)」

由英文介面可以很輕易的發現,英文版的Picasa比中文版多了許多功能,如Embeded SlideShow,View Map。

按下「Edit Albums Properties」編輯相簿屬性,多了相簿地圖的設定,台灣地圖都是繁體中文的,感動100分。

按下「View Map」可針對各別相片指定地圖。


順便提一下,新的Embed SlideShow功能也是只有英文版才有,能夠很輕鬆的幫你把相簿製作成精美的播放介面,貼在自己的網頁上。


Yahoo suck!

本站接獲律師信, 近期內將關站!!

CK是flickr.tw的站長,喜愛flickr且用心推廣flickr,長期開發並分享flickr相關程式。日前flickr.tw收到律師信,說他違法並且要把網址移轉給Yahoo!Inc.站長基於對法律的重視及對Flickr的熱愛,決定關站並且不再寫Flickr API相關程式。


其實心中有點小小的慶幸當初選擇的是Picasa Web AlbumFlickr是個相當好的平台,但被Yahoo!如此惡搞,也許在台灣還不至於成為下一個丁丁大站,但無視鄉民的觀感與倒行逆施的政策,被網路之神懲罰也只是早晚的事情。


Yanks will earn AL EAST Champs for 10 years continuous?

現在與Red Sox只剩1.5場的差距,下一系列才是關鍵吧。Yankees要對上上一系列sweep Sox的Blue Jays,Red Sox的對手是Devil Rays。總之,機會還是不大,但看了他們今年下半季,Nothing is Impossible!

To photograph - 大稻埕

This is my first photograph for scenery in 大稻埕. 大稻埕 is a very popular scenic spots for many photographers. That day was cloudy and not good for scenery photograph.

To photograph - 唯希 in 華山藝文特區

唯希 is a pretty good model have perfect pose and expression. It's a pity for my photography skills is not good enaugh.

To photograph - Rebecca in 華山藝文特區

This is my first time to shoot the pictures for professional model.Thanks for photosharp and thanks for Rebecca.

What is the Mirror of Erised?

The Mirror of Erised is a mystical mirror discovered by Harry in a back corridor of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. On it is inscribed, erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi — which, when reversed and correctly spaced, reads I show not your face but your heart's desire. Erised is "desire" spelled backwards. According to Dumbledore, the Mirror "shows us nothing more or less than the deepest, most desperate desire of our hearts".

Quotes from Wikipedia